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Our objective is to create "Green Wealth" for all stakeholders. Profit being a natural by-product of this endeavor. We at EQUIGREEN follow and offer a..

Leap Growth Partners LLP is a part of the Ghalla Bhansali group and was founded with the intention of providing focused and quality investment banking..

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DII  Investment 

Reporting Date Buy Value(Rs. In Cr) Sale Value(Rs. In Cr) Net Value(Rs. In Cr)
21-Feb-25 12889.44 10004.83 2884.61
20-Feb-25 13180.35 9272.71 3907.64
19-Feb-25 11192.98 9235.24 1957.74
18-Feb-25 12792.87 9720.68 3072.19
17-Feb-25 12504.11 7744.34 4759.77
14-Feb-25 12826.66 8462.79 4363.87
13-Feb-25 13148.49 10213.99 2934.5
12-Feb-25 15357.41 9428.17 5929.24
11-Feb-25 13787.72 9785.83 4001.89
10-Feb-25 9802.45 8286.93 1515.52
06-Feb-25 11546.06 8824.40 2721.66
05-Feb-25 12860.76 11864.48 996.28
04-Feb-25 15002.64 15433.34 -430.7
03-Feb-25 19319.48 16611.25 2708.23
01-Feb-25 13364.01 12539.63 824.38
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